CoinGecko Boosts Security After Unauthorized Twitter Access



CoinGecko, a well-known hub for cryptocurrency information, has reported a security incident where two of its Twitter accounts, namely @CoinGecko and @GeckoTerminal, were accessed without authorization. The company is currently investigating the matter and taking steps to improve the security of these compromised accounts.

In a recent tweet, CoinGecko advised its community to exercise caution when interacting with or clicking on links from the affected accounts. They reaffirmed their dedication to user safety and pledged continuous, transparent communication as they strive to address the issue. This breach holds significance and parallels a previous incident involving the SEC’s Twitter account, underscoring the persistent difficulties in safeguarding high-profile social media accounts within the digital currency domain.

CoinGecko is dedicated to promptly addressing this breach and ensuring the integrity of its services in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency.


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