SEC Account Hacked: False Announcement of Bitcoin ETF Approval



On January 9, unidentified hackers breached the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) account, posting a deceitful announcement regarding the approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF. SEC Chair Gary Gensler promptly dismissed this false assertion, making it clear that no such ETF had received authorization. This incident fits into a troubling pattern where hackers mislead cryptocurrency enthusiasts and the public, particularly during times of heightened anticipation for financial products.

 In a similar event last December, a fake XRP ETF registration surfaced in Delaware, falsely suggesting BlackRock's involvement. Despite BlackRock quickly discrediting these claims, the misinformation briefly triggered a 12% surge in XRP's price within half an hour. The fraudulent news about the Bitcoin ETF's approval garnered millions of views shortly after publication, causing a 3% dip in Bitcoin's value. These instances underscore the susceptibility of the crypto market to misinformation and the potential impact it can have on asset values.


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