OpenAI Introduces GPT Store: Monetize Your Custom AI Creations!


OpenAI's Artificial Intelligence lab is taking a significant step towards enabling creators of generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) to earn money from their customized AI systems. This initiative will come to life through the newly revealed GPT Store, a specialized marketplace designed for personalized AI applications.

 The company outlined its intentions for GPT monetization in a blog post released on Wednesday, January 10, coinciding with the launch of the GPT Store. According to the post, OpenAI is gearing up to initiate a GPT builder revenue program in Q1 of 2024. In the initial phase, creators based in the United States will receive compensation based on user engagement with their individual GPTs. Additionally, the announcement specified that access to the GPT Store will initially be granted to users subscribed to paid ChatGPT plans. This move represents a significant development in the landscape of AI, opening avenues for creators to showcase and monetize their unique AI innovations.


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